A Letter from Heather Becker, CEO of The Conservation Center

Hi Everyone,

I sent out a letter in March 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, and then I sent an update in September 2020, which ended with “so stay tuned."

As many of you know, we have been writing and sending out monthly newsletters for the last 15 years, and a great number of you are loyal readers. So, thank you for ‘staying tuned,’ whether over the last 2 or 15 years, as our community of 30,000+ readers has grown.

Two years later, how is the team?

We are rock solid. One of the positive things coming from this challenging period of the pandemic is the team is closer than ever, watching out for each other, their health, and their families. Everyone listens to each other better than ever. They consult with each other, and I think everyone is closer and more understanding of each other than ever in the history of this company. Next year will mark the 40th year of The Conservation Center in August 2023. It will also mark my 34th year at The Center and my 20th year of owning the company. Our staff has a combined 230 years with The Center. Over a third of our team has been with us for at least 10 years. We are not only proud of the commitment of our staff but also grateful for how their commitment has allowed us all to persevere. 

How has the company changed since the start of the pandemic?

The challenges have made us stronger. The team has been motivated by focusing on what we are best at - quality, performance, and perfection. This team loves what they do. So, instead of being buried by negative elements since the pandemic, we have allowed the foundation of our work to lift us all up as best we can.

How have I changed as a CEO since the pandemic?

Ironically when the pandemic started, I was already seriously ill with a lung issue and three rounds of pneumonia. So I had to retreat and stay at home for the first time since I began working for the company. Feeling strong and healthy seemed like a distant memory. I learned a lot during this time about the importance of waking up each day with a positive attitude toward life because our personal will can manifest change. During this period, the senior team took over the day-to-day at the company while I focused on my recovery. It was a humbling period with mounting challenges from many directions. But, it was wonderful and amazing to watch the leadership amongst the team, making things happen during one of the most unique periods of our time and doing it without hesitation. Since that culminating experience, I have profoundly realized how much I trust those working with me. I recovered over time, but I will not forget what it meant for them to step up and take over. Trust is a magical element in our lives, and I am surrounded by people I trust. I don't try to orchestrate things like I did before the pandemic. I now manage differently, welcoming all to foster and self-manage through commitment and believing in what they do. I don't try to be in control, and now I realize what has changed in my day-to-day leadership – it is now about listening and being observant. The best tools for growth and positive change are nurtured within.

What matters to the team?

One thing we have all learned from the pandemic is to determine our priorities in life. Beyond our home and family life is our personal definition of "work," which defines our persona and the structure of our lives. Having a calm, safe, secure, and meaningful place to do work we love creates positivity. So, after a long work week away from home, we absorb that positivity and breathe life into our homes and future personal growth.

What matters to our clients?

Since the pandemic started, I began a routine of personally calling many of our clients to get feedback on their experience for several reasons. Listening to our clients is essential to perfecting a small business. Hearing them out and wanting to understand their experiences with our team members and the work we performed is instrumental in building long-term relationships. Trust is created through treatment results and quality communication. Those two factors combined can speak volumes.

We are focused on looking forward.

We have been growing and rebounding slowly from the depths of the pandemic. We feel privileged to be a small fine art business that continues to thrive, grow, and flourish with our staff and clients' support. We are incredibly grateful for what we have, considering the recent challenges in the world. We believe as a collective team looking forward, we continue to paint a picture of what we wish the future to be.

We are driven by daily reminders of the importance of our work.

My favorite part of running this company is my daily rounds visiting each staff member. We discuss what they are working on and any challenges they are dealing with in their respective departments. This everyday process is a clear reminder that the subtle and detailed execution of what they each do every day is truly amazing to observe. This is how passion is defined. How they all perform at this level daily is profound to watch. I have learned that when you are committed to what you do, it elevates the potential of what you can do and what you are capable of learning to do in the future. So, I am a firm believer in loving what you do -- and all will coalesce in a meaningful way.

How do we deal with our low moments?

Yes, we all have bad days or unfortunate moments. Indeed, especially with all the negativity coming at all of us from so many directions in this challenging world. Yet, when you are surrounded by others that care and are supportive, you can pick up the pieces of the puzzle and put them back together with a more positive outlook. This team has that trust running strong.

How do we continue to try and impart our knowledge and experiences?

The newsletters, lectures, press, social media, events, etc., are all meant to share the wealth of knowledge that we continue to foster through each team member and collectively. Luckily, we have gained a following by not "marketing" ourselves and instead offering genuine educational material and experiences that we are known for sharing as often as we can. That is what we need to do to spread awareness of art conservation and preservation.

What really matters? Doing what we are meant to do in this life with a dedication to our passion.

The most important aspect I would like to impart in this update letter is the value of doing good work and believing in what this team is meant and manifested to do during this time. We will continue to fine-tune our professional skills but know it is not done mechanically; it is developed and created through a passion for our work. That is what makes us steadfast and resilient at times such as these. So, thank you for your support, and we will continue to look forward to the magic in the performance of what brings meaning into our art conservation world.

What is next?

I have always been a goal-oriented individual, but the difference is now I set goals while respecting how nature nurtures a path. There is beauty and thriving life in so many simple things we tend to overlook. So much of my focus now is on appreciating the magic of each day - the people I work with, the incredible things we do, and recognizing how the work is full of wonder. My goals now correlate to witnessing the beauty of the processes orchestrating around me. I now look at saving art and making my own art from that humble perspective. We create, perform, influence, impact, and meditate on the natural process of life. We do all this as an appreciation for the beauty of what we do have versus not. So from a leadership standpoint, this team can ferry itself from shore to shore time and time again. What is important is seeing how the nature of that alone is precious. This company will continue to run a fantastic course as long as this team comes to work each day loving what they do and their impact. That is all we need, so we keep looking forward to what is next.   

Thank you all for reading, observing, and following all that our team does at The Conservation Center. Your support and interest are greatly appreciated!


Heather Becker, CEO
